
What you seek will never be,
As life and all the Gods,
Only grant us what we need
at just the right time in the crossroads of life
When you are full of wanting and desire,
you are no longer neither here or there,
you want and demand
based on our past while unknowingly
creating our own future
and you are no longer looking around at what and who you already have
Desire causes blindness and demands
When we seek romance, it will not come,
as the best love is always within you, and within everyone around us
Do not create expectations,
we do not demand love from another for we dont have the right
to demand grand gestures
You do not have the right to only be satisfied with what our own projection on what love should be onto another
For when we demand love,
we don’t fully consciously realize that in craving another’s attention,
you are also taking their freedom away as they may struggle
To be the person you think they should be
Do not seek it and when you learn to enjoy your own company shall love
fill the cavities of the heart
Do not have expectations,
and be fully aware of your surrounding now
Let the wind and rain touch you, the fresh air bless your lungs
right now
Join me now in the present moment and connect with me now,
focus on your surroundings and you will realize
that as long as you stay in this moment, now,
there is actually nothing wrong. Everything is simply an illusion based on our past
or what we hope for the future, but now, right now?
All is well, for I am love, and you are love,
so how can anything be so terrible if you are surrounded by so much beauty.

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