Tag Archive for regrets

Lets Be Honest.

Lets be honest, I am not doing as well as I wish I was. Losing my dad was like losing half my heart. Losing my dad was like losing my reasons to keep going. I relived his death last night in a dream, and I woke up crying, I woke up missing him so much. Lets be honest, I will… Read more →

Overcome Your Regrets

“Live with no regrets.” is something you hear often with the younger generation. That’s our biggest desire, isn’t it? To look back at what we’ve done in our life and say “I have no regrets.” But thats not really realistic, is it? It’s ideal, sure, it’s a lovely thought. But in reality, life isn’t that sweet. I think once you… Read more →

The Unavoidable Cycle of Life

Death. my worst nightmare since I was a child. The topic everyone avoids, because no one wants to think about the end. And then all the sudden, I was bombarded with the “unspeakable”, “unthinkable.” Thats what 2014 was filled with for me. Right during New years, I lost someone due to breast cancer, and I attended my first funeral where… Read more →